Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gambar kawan di Halifax Tahun 1979

Inilah sebahagian gambar yang sempat di"scan" dan dipostkan ke dalam blog ini. Cubalah kawan-kawan kenalpasti sebahagian junior yang tidak ada nama kerana dah tak ingat.

Maaf, waktu tidak mengizinkan berceloteh lebih panjang... Bye...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Do these pictures give you some hints?

These pictures downloaded from internet and google. It is no more named as Percival Whitley College, but rather now as Calderdale College, Francis Street, Halifax. You can visit the website at Just copy and paste the url to go into it

Percival Whitley College, Halifax Pioneer Malaysian Students

The very first batch of JPA students sent to do A Level studies was in 1978. There were 15 students altogether that came over from West and East Malaysia – 8 students from West Malaysia, and 7 were from East Malaysia. They were all boys.

Their names that I can recall:

Abdul Aziz Abdullah (myself), Jamian Basar, Sharifudin, Zaideen Yusof, Ahmad Ismail, Amiruddin Ahmad, Razak and Azinan Ayob from West Malaysia, and

Zuraimi Sabki, Abang Abdul Halil Abang Naili, Abang Abdul Rahim Dawi, Arbi Daud, (... lagi 3 siapa nama?).

Abang Abdul Aziz was Shell student who joined our group to become 16.

We managed ourselves by staying in two houses – one landlady so-called Mak Chik Demonk was just nearby the College at The Parkinson Lane.

We were quite lucky too for having two private Malaysian seniors who did their job very well by introducing us places where we could find halal fish and chips and Pakistani glossaries.

Our two very famous lecturers that I still can remember now – Dr. Baker and Miss Jumue (sorry for not be able to spell correctly. Please help me).

I’m sure my other friends of mine can help to refresh our minds further in this blog, as this is just a starter-kit for you all to begin with.

Please don’t forget to post your interesting pictures of last time in Halifax and also recent pictures of yourselves together with your families to make ourselves know each other better.

I will do that from time to time, InsyaAllah.

Thank you.
